Source code for vidpy.text

from .clip import Clip

[docs]class Text(Clip): '''Subclass of Clip that allows you to write text in your composition Args: text (str): The text font (str): The font family to use color (str): Text foreground color bgcolor (str): Optional background color olcolor (str): Text outline color outline (int): Outline size style (str): Font style, can be "normal" or "italic" weight (int): The weight of the text (boldness). Can be between 100 and 1000 bbox (list): A bounding box for text to appear in. By default is (0, 0, '100%', '100%' halign (str): Horizontal aligment of text. Can be "center" (default), "left" or "right" valign (str): Vertical aligment of text. Can be "middle" (default), "top" or "bottom" ''' def __init__(self, text, start=0, end=None, offset=0, color="#ffffff", bgcolor="0x00000000", olcolor="0x00000000", outline=0, halign="center", valign="middle", pad=0, font="Sans", size=1080, style="normal", weight=400, bbox=(0, 0, '100%', '100%'), **kwargs): Clip.__init__(self, 'color:#00000000', start=start, end=end, offset=offset, **kwargs) geometry = '{}/{}:{}x{}'.format(*bbox) self.fx('dynamictext', { 'argument': text, 'geometry': geometry, 'family': font, 'size': size, 'weight': weight, 'style': style, 'fgcolour': color, 'bgcolour': bgcolor, 'olcolour': olcolor, 'outline': outline, 'pad': pad, 'halign': halign, 'valign': valign })