Source code for vidpy.clip

import os
from .utils import timestamp, get_bg_color, effects_path, get_melt_profile

[docs]class Clip(object): '''A VidPy clip Args: resource (str): Path to a video file, audio file, image, or melt xml document service (str): Optional melt service start (float): The in-point of the clip in seconds (optional). Setting this will trim from the start of the clip end (float): The out-point of the clip in seconds (optional). Setting this will trim from the end of the clip offset (float): Time in seconds before the clip is played. **kwargs: Option parameters that will get sent to melt ''' def __init__(self, resource=None, service=None, start=0, end=None, offset=0, **kwargs): self.resource = resource self.service = service self.start = timestamp(start) self.end = timestamp(end) self.offset = timestamp(offset) self._repeat = None self.output_fps = 30 self._speed = 1.0 self.fxs = [] self.transitions = [] self.kwargs = kwargs self.__profile = None self.mask = None self.is_mask = False if self.resource.__class__.__name__ == 'Composition': self.resource = self.resource.save_xml() self._temp_resource = True
[docs] def get_profile(self): '''Returns the melt generated profile for the clip''' if self.__profile is None: self.__profile = get_melt_profile(self.resource) return self.__profile
@property def duration(self): '''Duration of the clip''' start = self.start if self.start else timestamp(0) end = self.end if self.end else timestamp(self.original_duration) repeat = self._repeat if self._repeat else 1 return timestamp((end - start) * repeat) @property def total_frames(self): '''Total frames in the original clip''' return self.get_profile().get('total_frames') @property def original_duration(self): '''Duration of the original clip''' return self.get_profile().get('duration') @property def original_fps(self): '''FPS of the original clip''' return self.get_profile().get('fps') @property def width(self): '''Width of the original clip''' return self.get_profile().get('width') @property def height(self): '''Height of the original clip''' return self.get_profile().get('height')
[docs] def cut(self, start=None, end=None, duration=None): '''Trims the clip Args: start (float): Time to trim from the start of the clip in seconds end (float): Time to trim from the end of the clip in seconds duration (float): Total duration of the clip (overwrited end) ''' if start: self.start = timestamp(start) if end: self.end = timestamp(end) if duration: self.end = self.start + timestamp(duration) return self
[docs] def set_duration(self, duration): '''Sets the duration of the clip Args: duration (float): Duration of the clip in seconds ''' self.end = self.start + timestamp(duration) return self
[docs] def set_offset(self, offset): '''Sets the offset of the clip - determines when the clip will start playing. Args: offset (float): Offset of the clip in seconds ''' self.offset = timestamp(offset) return self
[docs] def speed(self, speed): '''Sets the playback speed of the clip. The speed can be any number between 20 and 0.01. Negative values will play video in reverse. Args: speed (float): playback speed ''' self._speed = speed return self
[docs] def fx(self, name, params=None): '''Adds any melt filter to a clip For a full list, see: Args: name (str): the name of a filter to add params (dict): a dictionary containing melt filter parameters ''' if params is None: params = [] self.fxs.append((name, params)) return self
[docs] def transition(self, name, params=None): '''Adds any melt transition to a track For a full list, see: Args: name (str): the name of a transition to add params (dict): a dictionary containing melt transition parameters ''' self.transitions.append((name, params)) return self
[docs] def set_mask(self, clip): ''' Sets the mask for the clip based on the luma values of a video, image, or vidpy Clip Args: clip (Clip or path): any vidpy clip, or path to video or image ''' if isinstance(clip, str): clip = Clip(clip) clip.is_mask = True self.mask = clip return self
def luma(self, start=None, end=None): self.transition('luma', {'in': timestamp(start), 'out': timestamp(end)}) return self
[docs] def fadein(self, duration): '''Fades the clip in Args: duration (float): Time to fade in, in seconds ''' self.fx('brightness', { 'alpha': '0=0;{}=1'.format(timestamp(duration)), 'opacity': '0=0;{}=1'.format(timestamp(duration)) }) return self
[docs] def fadeout(self, duration): '''Fades the clip out Args: duration (float): Time to fade out, in seconds ''' self.fx('brightness', { 'alpha': '{}=1;-1=0'.format(timestamp(duration*-1)), 'opacity': '{}=1;-1=0'.format(timestamp(duration*-1)) }) return self
[docs] def opacity(self, amount): '''Sets the clip's opacity Args: amount (float): Opacity, between 0.0 and 1.0 ''' self.fx('brightness', { 'alpha': amount, 'opacity': amount }) return self
[docs] def chroma(self, amount=0.15, color=None, blend=None): '''Removes a color from the clip, making it transparent Args: amount (float): distance to the color, between 0.0 and 1.0. The higher the number the more will be removed. color (str): The color to remove. If left blank, the top left pixel color will be used. blend (float): Chromakey blend value, between 0 and 1 ''' if color is None: color = get_bg_color(self.resource) if blend: self.fx('avfilter.chromakey', { 'av.color': color, 'av.similarity': amount, 'av.blend': blend }) else: self.fx('frei0r.bluescreen0r', { '0': color, '1': amount }) return self
[docs] def rotate(self, amount=1, axis="x"): '''Rotate the clip along an axis Args: amount (float): Degrees to rotate by axis (str): The axis to rotate over, by default "x" ''' self.fx('affine', { 'transition.fix_rotate_{}'.format(axis): amount }) return self
[docs] def spin(self, speed=1, axis="x"): '''Spin the clip continuously. But why? Args: speed (float): Speed to rotate by axis (str): The axis to rotate over, by default "x" ''' self.fx('affine', { 'transition.rotate_{}'.format(axis): speed }) return self
[docs] def glow(self, blur=0.5): '''Apply a glow effect Args: blur (float): Amount to blur by ''' self.fx('frei0r.glow', { '0': blur }) return self
[docs] def softglow(self, blur=0.5, brightness=0.75, sharpness=0.85, blurblend=0): '''Does softglow effect on highlights Args: blur (float): Blur of the glow brightness (float): Brightness of highlight areas sharpness (float): Sharpness of highlight areas blurblend (float): lend mode used to blend highlight blur with input image ''' self.fx('frei0r.softglow', { '0': blur, '1': brightness, '2': sharpness, '3': blurblend, }) return self
[docs] def vflip(self): '''Flip the clip vertically''' self.fx('avfilter.vflip') return self
[docs] def hflip(self): '''Flip the clip horizontally''' self.fx('avfilter.hflip') return self
[docs] def flip(self, axis): '''Flip the clip over an axis Args: axis (str): The axis to flip over, either "horizontal" or "vertical" ''' if axis.lower() == 'horizontal': self.hflip() else: self.vflip() return self
[docs] def move(self, sequence, repeat=False, cycle=0, mirror=False): '''Moves the clip around. Takes a list of (keyframe, x, y, w, h) params At each target frame, the clip will be moved and optionally resized to the supplied x,y,w,h params. You can use pixels or percentages (in quotes) Args: sequence (list): a sequence of (keyframe, x, w, w, h) params ''' args = ['{}={}/{}:{}x{}'.format(*s) for s in sequence] args = ';'.join(args) self.fx('affine', { 'transition.geometry': args, 'background': 'color:0', 'transition.repeat_off': 0 if repeat else 1, 'transition.cycle': cycle, 'transition.mirror': 1 if mirror else 0 }) return self
[docs] def zoompan(self, origin, dest, start=0, end=-1): '''Zooms and pans the clip over time Takes an origin and destination coordinates either in pixels or percent. Args: origin (list): where to start from, as an [x, y, width, height] list dest (list): where to end up as an [x, y, width, height] list start (float): when to start the zoompan in seconds end (float): when to end the zoompan in seconds ''' args = { 'x1': origin[0], 'y1': origin[1], 'w1': origin[2], 'h1': origin[3], 'x2': dest[0], 'y2': dest[1], 'w2': dest[2], 'h2': dest[3], 'start': start, 'end': end } self.fx('affine', { 'transition.geometry': '{start}={x1}/{y1}:{w1}x{h1};{end}={x2}/{y2}:{w2}x{h2}'.format(**args), 'background': 'colour:0' }) return self
[docs] def text(self, text, color="#ffffff", bgcolor="0x00000000", olcolor="0x00000000", outline=0, halign="center", valign="middle", pad=0, font="Sans", size=1080, style="normal", weight=400, bbox=(0, 0, '100%', '100%')): '''Overlays text on a clip. Args: text (str): The text font (str): The font family to use color (str): Text foreground color bgcolor (str): Optional background color olcolor (str): Text outline color outline (int): Outline size style (str): Font style, can be "normal" or "italic" weight (int): The weight of the text (boldness). Can be between 100 and 1000 bbox (list): A bounding box for text to appear in. By default is (0, 0, '100%', '100%' halign (str): Horizontal aligment of text. Can be "center" (default), "left" or "right" valign (str): Vertical aligment of text. Can be "middle" (default), "top" or "bottom" ''' geometry = '{}/{}:{}x{}'.format(*bbox) self.fx('dynamictext', { 'argument': text, 'geometry': geometry, 'family': font, 'size': size, 'weight': weight, 'style': style, 'fgcolour': color, 'bgcolour': bgcolor, 'olcolour': olcolor, 'outline': outline, 'pad': pad, 'halign': halign, 'valign': valign }) return self
[docs] def crop(self, top=0, left=0, bottom=0, right=0): '''Crops the clip Args: top (int): Pixels to crop from the top left (int): Pixels to crop from the left bottom (int): Pixels to crop from the bottom right (int): Pixels to crop from the right ''' self.fx('crop', { 'top': top, 'left': left, 'bottom': bottom, 'right': right }) return self
[docs] def position(self, x=0, y=0, w='100%', h='100%', distort=True): '''Positions and resizes the clip. Coordinates can be either in pixels or percent. To maintain aspect ration, set distort=False Args: x: optional x coordinate y: optional y coordinate w: optional width h: optional height distort (bool): Option to distort the image or maintain its ratio ''' self.fx('affine', { 'transition.geometry': '{}/{}:{}x{}'.format(x, y, w, h), 'transition.valign': 'middle', 'transition.halign': 'center', 'transition.fill': 0, 'transition.distort': 1 if distort else 0, 'transition.fill': 1 if distort else 0 }) return self
[docs] def resize(self, w='100%', h='100%', distort=True): '''Resizes the clip. Coordinates can be either in pixels or percent. To maintain aspect ration, set distort=False Args: w: optional width h: optional height distort (bool): Option to distort the image or maintain its ratio ''' self.fx('affine', { 'transition.geometry': '{}/{}:{}x{}'.format(0, 0, w, h), 'transition.valign': 'middle', 'transition.halign': 'center', 'transition.fill': 0, 'transition.distort': 1 if distort else 0 }) return self
[docs] def brightness(self, brightness=0.5): ''' Adjusts the brightness of the clip Args: brightness (float): brightness between 0.0 and 1.0 ''' self.fx('frei0r.brightness', {'0': brightness}) return self
[docs] def alpha_op(self, operation='shave', thresh=0.5, amount=0.333344, invert=False, display='image', input_as_alpha=0): '''Display and manipulate the alpha channel Args: display: Display: what to display. Choices are image, alpha_as_gray, gray+red, black, gray, white and checkers. input_as_alpha: use input alpha for the display function above. operation (str): select the operation to be done on the alpha channel. Options are: shave, shrink_hard, shrink_soft, grow_hard, grow_soft, thresh thresh (float): threshold (only used if you've selected the thresh operation) amount (float): grow/shrink amount invert (bool): invert the alpha channel ''' display = {'image': 1.0/7, 'alpha_as_gray': 2.0/7, 'gray+red': 3.0/7, 'black': 4.0/7, 'gray': 5.0/7, 'white': 6.0/7, 'checkers': 7.0/7}[display] operation = {'shave': 1.0/6, 'shrink_hard': 2.0/6, 'shrink_soft': 3.0/6, 'grow_hard': 4.0/6, 'grow_soft': 5.0/6, 'thresh': 6.0/6}.get(operation, operation) self.fx('frei0r.alpha0ps', { '0': display, '1': input_as_alpha, '2': operation, '3': thresh, '4': amount, '5': 1 if invert else 0 }) return self
[docs] def charcoal(self): '''Applies a charcoal effect ''' self.fx('charcoal') return self
[docs] def dust(self, maxdiameter=2, maxcount=10): '''Add dust and specks to the clip Args: maxdiameter (int): Maximal diameter of a dust piece between 0 and 100 maxcount (int): How many dust pieces are on the image ''' self.fx('dust', { 'maxdiameter': maxdiameter, 'maxcount': maxcount }) return self
[docs] def cartoon(self, triplevel=.99, diffspace=0.003): '''Cartoonify video, with a form of edge detectection Args: triplevel (float): level of trip (0 to 1) diffspace (float): difference space (0 to 1) ''' self.fx('frei0r.cartoon', { '0': triplevel, '1': diffspace }) return self
[docs] def contrast(self, amount=0.5): '''Adjusts the contrast of the clip Args: contrast (float): The amount of contrast (between 0 and 1) ''' self.fx('frei0r.contrast0r', {'0': amount}) return self
[docs] def extract_color(self, color='r'): '''Extracts either red, green, or blue from clip Args: color (str): Either 'r', 'g' or 'b' ''' if color not in 'rgb': color = 'r' self.fx('frei0r.{}'.format(color.upper())) return self
[docs] def vignette(self, aspect=0.5, clear=0, softness=0.6): '''Applies a vignette effect Args: aspect (float): Aspect ratio (0 to 1) clear (float): Size of the unaffected center (0 to 1) softness (float): Softness (0 to 1) ''' self.fx('frei0r.vignette', { '0': aspect, '1': clear, '2': softness }) return self
[docs] def grain(self, noise=40, contrast=160, brightness=70): '''Adds grain over the clip Args: noise (int): Maximal value of noise (0 to 200) contrast (int): Adjust contrast for the image (0 to 400) brightness (int): Adjust brightness for the image (0 to 400) ''' self.fx('grain', { 'noise': noise, 'contrast': contrast, 'brightness': brightness }) return self
[docs] def grayscale(self): '''Convert the clip to grayscale''' self.fx('greyscale') return self
[docs] def invert(self): '''Inverts the colors of the clip''' self.fx('invert') return self
[docs] def dynamic_threshold(self): '''Applies a dynamic thresholding effect''' self.fx('frei0r.twolay0r') return self
[docs] def mirror(self, axis='horizontal', reverse=False): '''Provides various mirror and image reversing effects. Args: axis (str): can be either "horizontal", "vertical", "diagonal", "xdiagonal", "flip", or "flop" reverse (bool): reverse the mirror ''' self.fx('mirror', { 'argument': axis, 'reverse': 1 if reverse else 0 }) return self
[docs] def threshold(self, threshold=0.5): '''Thresholds the clip Args: threshold (float): Threshold value (0 to 1) ''' self.fx('frei0r.threshold0r', {'0': threshold}) return self
[docs] def squareblur(self, size=0.5): '''Blurs the clip Args: size (float): Amount of blur (0 to 1) ''' self.fx('frei0r.squareblur', {'0': size}) return self
[docs] def sharpness(self, amount=0.3, size=0): '''Sharpens the clips Args: amount (float): amount size (float): size ''' self.fx('frei0r.sharpness', { '0': amount, '1': size }) return self
[docs] def luminance(self): '''Creates a luminance map of the clip''' self.fx('frei0r.luminance') return self
[docs] def edgeglow(self, threshold=0.5, upscale=0.5, downscale=0): '''Adds glowing edges Args: threshold (float): threshold for edge lightening upscale (float): multiplier for upscaling edge brightness downscale (float): multiplier for downscaling edge brightness ''' self.fx('frei0r.edgeglow', { '0': threshold, '1': upscale, '2': downscale }) return self
[docs] def gradient(self, start_color='#ffffff', end_color='#000000', pattern='linear', start_opacity=0.5, end_opacity=0.5, start_x=0.5, start_y=0, end_x=0.5, end_y=1, offset=0, blend='normal'): '''Draws a gradient on top of the clip. Args: start_color (str): First color of the gradient end_color (str): Second color of the gradient pattern (str): "linear" or "radial" gradient start_opacity (float): Opacity of the first color of the gradient end_opacity (float): Opacity of the second color of the gradient start_x (float): X position of the start point of the gradient start_y (float): Y position of the start point of the gradient end_x (float): X position of the end point of the gradient end_y (float): Y position of the end point of the gradient offset: Position of first color in the line connecting gradient ends, really useful only for radial gradient blend (str): Blend mode. Values can be: 'normal', 'add', 'saturate', 'multiply', 'screen', 'overlay', 'darken', 'lighten', 'colordodge', 'colorburn', 'hardlight', 'softlight', 'difference', 'exclusion', 'hslhue', 'hslsaturation', 'hslcolor', or 'hslluminosity' ''' pattern = {'linear': 'gradient_linear', 'radial': 'gradient_radial'}.get(pattern, 'gradient_linear') self.fx('frei0r.cairogradient', { '0': pattern, '1': start_color, '2': start_opacity, '3': end_color, '4': end_opacity, '5': start_x, '6': start_y, '7': end_x, '8': end_y, '9': offset, '10': blend }) return self
[docs] def hue(self, shift=0): '''Adjusts the hue of the clip Args: shift (float): The amount to shift the hue by (between 0 and 1) ''' self.fx('frei0r.hueshift0r', {'0': shift}) return self
[docs] def sobel(self): '''Applies a sobel filter''' self.fx('frei0r.sobel') return self
[docs] def posterize(self, levels=0.10): ''' Posterizes the clip by reducing the number of colors used. Args: levels (float): Number of values per channel ''' self.fx('frei0r.posterize', {'0': levels}) return self
[docs] def dither(self, amount=0.104167): '''Dithers the clip and reduces the number of available colors Args: amount (float): Number of values per channel ''' self.fx('frei0r.dither', { '0': amount }) return self
[docs] def saturate(self, saturation=0.125): '''Adjusts the saturation of the clip Args: saturation (float): Saturation amount (0 to 1) ''' self.fx('frei0r.saturat0r', {'0': saturation}) return self
[docs] def pixelize(self, width=0.1, height=0.1): '''Pixelize the clip Args: width (float): Horizontal size of one pixel, as percent of screen size (0 to 1) height (float): Vertical size of one pixel, as percent of screensize (0 to 1) ''' self.fx('frei0r.pixeliz0r', { '0': width, '1': height }) return self
[docs] def repeat(self, total): '''Repeats the clip Args: total (int): How many times to repeat the clip ''' self._repeat = total return self
[docs] def loop(self): '''Loops the clip indefinitely''' self.repeat(100000000) return self
[docs] def volume(self, amt): '''Sets the volume for the clip, from 0 (mute) to 1 (full volume) Args: amt (float): Volume between 0 and 1 ''' self.fx('avfilter.volume', {'av.volume': amt}) return self
[docs] def args(self, singletrack=False): '''Returns melt command line arguments as a list''' args = [] if not singletrack: args += ['-track'] if self.offset > 0: args += ['-blank', str(self.offset)] resource = self.resource if self._speed != 1.0: resource = 'timewarp:{}:{}'.format(self._speed, resource) args += [resource, 'in="{}"'.format(self.start)] if self.end: args += ['out="{}"'.format(self.end)] for key in self.kwargs: args += ['{}="{}"'.format(key, self.kwargs[key])] if self._repeat: args += ['-repeat', str(self._repeat)] for fx, fxargs in self.fxs: if singletrack: args += ['-attach-clip', fx] else: args += ['-attach-track', fx] if self.offset > 0: args += ['in={}'.format(self.offset)] for key in fxargs: args += ['{}="{}"'.format(key, str(fxargs[key]))] return args
def transition_args(self, track_number): args = [] for transition, targs in self.transitions: args += ['-transition', transition] for key in targs: args += ['{}="{}"'.format(key, str(targs[key]))] args += ['a_track=0', 'b_track={}'.format(track_number)] return args
[docs] def preview(self): '''Previews the clip''' from vidpy import Composition comp = Composition([self]) comp.preview()
[docs] def save(self, filename, **kwargs): '''Saves the clip as a video file Args: filename (str): The file to save to. kwargs: Pass in any arguments that you would to Composition (width, height, fps, bgcolor) ''' from vidpy import Composition comp = Composition([self], **kwargs)
def __str__(self): return ' '.join(self.args())